Stefan Kecskes

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

Concurrency vs Parallelism

Single-threaded, multi-threaded, concurrency, parallel tasks, async task… These words are used by programmers on daily basis and while most of us understands them (fingers crossed), I believe we are using this lingo in presence of non-technical people to confuse them? or to give them more detail, with little success. Let’s recapitulate what this all is, in very high level.

Symlinks in Unix

A symbolic link is a special form of a file. Actually it is not a file just a pointer to a file. This link points to another file somewhere in the file system. You can create link to files and folders. By the look, feel and functionality it is same as Windows shortcut or alias on iOS systems. If the content of the original file changes, so does the content of symlink.

Install NVM (Node Version Manager) for Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04

Node.js is javascript runtime. I am not going to explain why and how it can be used. You might be familiar that sometimes you just need other version, sometimes newer version, other times older version. There is an easy way to manage those versions with a single command and that’s what I want to introduce you to today.

Continuous Deployment

Part 2 of 2

In previous article, I demonstrated how to set up continuous Integration, that means how to test the code automatically and find out if it is the newest changes to code broke it or not. Now that you are automatically testing your commits, the next logical step in automation process would be to release our tested code to live website. We would want it to happen automatically, when all tests pass.

Continuous Integration with Strider

Part 1 of 2

We, developers, are producing websites or applications for many years now. What kinds of tasks needs to be done, before we see the changes live on web. This was a big unknown to me for a very long time. Is my process of deploying the code the best practice? Should I do it other way?