Stefan Kecskes

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

Installing Composer.phar

Composer is the dependency manager for PHP. That means that chunks of php code, which are tested and each package solves one some problem are packed into a packages and added to packagist repository. Using composer we can get those packages and add them into our codebase, and so reuse the stable code.

LAMP stack

LAMP stands for Linux - Apache - MySql - PHP. This is basically everything you need to have a fully working testing server on your machine.

Install SSH key

Part 2

Today we are going to install the public key on server, that we want to use. The point of installing the Public key is to get to the target server, locate the authorized_keys file (usually in home directory inside .ssh folder) and add our public key to this file.

Generate SSH keys on Linux

Part 1

SSH is a cryptographic network protocol for initiating text-based shell sessions for secure data communication and/or remote command execution.


Hello World, Hello Blog

I would like to present some stuff I’m working on or was working on, to show you what level of expertise you can expect from me, in case you hire me.