Stefan Kecskes

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

Speed up your website with Pagespeed mod

I’ve heard about some cool stuff that google is doing in one of software engineering podcasts. One of the tools was google pagespeed mod. It seemed to improve performance of the Apache2 webserver so I decided to give it a try.

Move Local Git Repository to Bitbucket

We already had our codebase under git repository. I didn’t want to lose the history of commits. We also had some branches, with some dev work on it. Those branches weren’t approved and safe to merge into master branch. I wanted to have all this stuff also on bitbucket. You will see that this process is really easy.

Setting up a Git Repository

Repositories these days are one of the basic stones of any software development. It allows teams of people to work together on one piece of software and allow every team member to see who made what changes, when and why. Repositories basically hold the copy of all changes made to code and also gives you the latest, most recent version. I don’t want to go deeply into why is it good and why we (developers) can’t live without it. Today, I want to show you how you can set up your own git repository in your local company infrastructure.

PHP Modules

Php modules or extensions are pieces of code for PHP, which extends the basic functions and add or improve the existing functions. Some of them are already bundled with PHP and can be easily enabled or disabled. There are also external PHP modules which can be installed to system and then enabled in PHP.

Apache Modules

Apache modules are software components that enhance the functionality and capabilities of the Apache HTTP Server. These modules are designed to extend and customize the server’s core features, allowing administrators and developers to add additional functionalities as per their requirements.