Stefan Kecskes

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

Image sprites using CSS only

Web pages these days have many images. They are also called multimedia rich web pages. It may take a long time to load all of them. Each image means a server request from browser. Did you know that browsers these days download concurrently only 6 resources?

PHP Modules

Php modules or extensions are pieces of code for PHP, which extends the basic functions and add or improve the existing functions. Some of them are already bundled with PHP and can be easily enabled or disabled. There are also external PHP modules which can be installed to system and then enabled in PHP.

Apache Modules

Apache modules are software components that enhance the functionality and capabilities of the Apache HTTP Server. These modules are designed to extend and customize the server’s core features, allowing administrators and developers to add additional functionalities as per their requirements.

Setup Virtual Host

Today we will be creating virtual host on Apache2 web server. As one Apache2 web server can serve multiple websites we can later add more configs and tell Apache2 web server to serve all the websites from single unix instance.

Edit crontab with NANO

I often need to add some scheduled job on server. I mean something that runs periodically, like every day or every hour. You simply add a command that will run as scheduled and when I say command it can be anything that your system is capable of running. Therefore, it can be shell command or script or even a java application. But let’s look closer how could we set up our own cron task on linux.